Is your New Years Resolution to Quit Alcohol?

Each year, people make the new years resolution to quit drinking, stop smoking or lose weight. Giving up alcohol is bigger than personal problem and can effect your family and even strangers. According to M.A.D.D. statistics, 28 people die in Drunk Driving accidents every day. But there is help for those trying to cut back on boozing.

According the American Psychological Association, “Research suggests that the temporary abstinence from alcohol may convey physiological benefits and enhance well-being.” APA PsycNet.  The UK study took place with over 850 men and women who participate in a “Dry January” and did not drink for the entire month. The study was conducted so researchers could get a better understanding of people behavior and personality after taking a month off from the booze. Researchers also wanted to know if the outcome of the “Dry January” would have a lasting effect on the subject future drinking behavior.

Reports from one month and six months after the study, over 60% of the subjects studied stated that they drank significantly less. The conclusion of the study was that “Taken together, these findings suggest that abstinence challenges such as Dry January can lead to changes toward healthier drinking and health-enhancing beliefs about alcohol, and are unlikely to result in undesirable rebound effects,” APA PsycNet.

We at the Alternative Realization can help with those in need of a full recovery with the use of hypnotherapy. Alcoholism is an addiction disease and can last a persons lifetime. If left untreated, the person can spiral down a path of destruction to themselves and their loved ones. If you’re new years resolution is to become independent and free of alcohol, call us today at 954-839-4604 or visit us online at

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